Mais de 15 anos criando laços de confiança com nossos clientes
A Nova Um foi criada pelo Engº Renato Muçouçah em 2004, já com a bagagem de muitos anos atuando em Maringá como gerente de uma grande empresa construtora, onde executou alguns dos maiores edifícios da cidade, conjuntos de casas, substações de energia, centrais telefônicas e obras de infraestrutura. Nossa primeira obra foi a sede da empresa, já começando com solidez e confiança. Atuando na zona 07 (edifícios Chaplin) e na zona 03 com aptos compactos de um ou dois dormitórios.

Green Building
By choosing to build green, you aremaking an effort to reduce the burden on the environment and also add value to your home. StrusturePress provides you with the guidance and the tools that are necessary …
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Metal Roofing
StructurePress offer you the best in metal roofing services, supplies and materials to help protect one of your biggest investments you will ever make, your home. There is no better way to protect …
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Laminate Flooring
Laminate flooring is a more affordable option in place of …

Construction Consultant
Process of Consultation Whether you know exactly how you …

General Contracting
Construction With a reputation built on offering superior …

House Renovation
Interior There are a number of great reasons to makeover …
Matéria na TV sobre imóvel compacto

Lançamento do Edifício Monte D’Or
Procurando imóveis para investimento?
Nós oferecemos as melhores opções.
Você é o nosso maior Patrimônio
Uma clientela de investidores fiéis que nos acompanham desde as primeiras obras, e novos investidores, conquistados principalmente pela propaganda boca a boca, os clientes são nosso melhor patrimônio.
Alan OwensOWN Inc.The StructurePress team was very sufficient in maintaining the integrity of this project in terms of planning, scheduling, cost and quality, and their team’s ability to work in person with owners, architects, designers and planner makes them a leader in their field.
Rebecca WatsonR. W. Construction Inc.StructrePress company has performed in a consistent, demanding and professional manner. They have got my project on time with the competition with a highly skilled, well-organized and experienced team of professional construction managers. Our company is looking forward to hire them again.
John WellerWelling Design & EngineeringAs the architect for major projects I really like to collaborte with StructurePress company. We are particularly organized through the construction process. My own project was a great example of contractors and architects working as a team for the good of the project and its users.


Procurando apartamento para investimento?
Somos uma construtora especializada na construção de edifícios para investidores. Construímos edifícios alinhados com as tendências de mercado, com foco em locação para que se torne uma ótima fonte de renda para clientes.